About us

Laura Bohne“Lauros Namai” Persian Carpet Gallery

When entering this gallery you feel like finding yourself in Wonderland or infact in one of the stories of Seherezada.

The owner Laura Bohne developed her interest in Persian carpets 15 years ago, still is the only one who has such type of gallery in Lithuania. Having customers both in Lithuania and abroad who appraise luxury and authentic work Laura is proud of having the unique exposition of Persian carpets that were made in 19th and 20th centuries in Iran and northern Caucasus. Besides the carpets you will beacquainted with the nomadic life of Iranians looking at their household appliances, hand made cushions, bags and salt sacks.





Each authetical persian carpet has it’s own soul which is based on history, traditions and wisdom from the past to the contemporary.

/ Laura Bohne  /

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